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- 0 rem--ahoy--mar issue--rupert report---prog page 19
- 5 rem rupert report
- 10 rem listing 1 - logic1
- 20 print chr$(147) :rem clear screen
- 30 true=-1:false=0
- 35 rem==================================
- 40 rem >> if a$ , or if b$ and c$,
- 50 rem >> then t$
- 60 rem >> otherwise f$
- 65 rem==================================
- 70 a$="it is raining"
- 80 b$="it is sunny"
- 90 c$="the temp. is above 100"
- 100 t$="we will stay inside"
- 110 f$="we will go outside"
- 115 print"if "a$" or if "b$" and "c$",then "t$
- 120 print:print"--respond t or f--"
- 130 printa$;:input a1$
- 140 printb$;:input b1$
- 150 printc$;:input c1$
- 160 a=true:b=true:c=true
- 170 if a1$="f" then a=false
- 180 if b1$="f" then b=false
- 190 if c1$="f" then c=false
- 200 d$=f$
- 210 if a or (b and c) then d$=t$
- 220 print d$
- 230 print:print"(press any key to continue)"
- 240 get z$:if z$=""then 240
- 250 goto 120